Sunday, 2 December 2018

Lesson Plan: The Olympic Games

Lesson Level: Senior                       Duration:  45

Lesson Title:     Olympic Sports

Grammar and Vocabulary

 .Names of various sporting events

Lesson Objectives

 Students will develop vocabulary of sporting events
Students will discuss ideas for possible new sports and create a new sport
Students will present their new sports to the class

Materials Required

List of sports from most recent Olympic games 
Students will also need paper and pencils to develop ideas




1 Introduce topic
Ask a few students for their favourite sports
Ask questions about Olympic games 

2 Put students into groups. The number of groups should be such that single members from all of them can simultaneously stand at board.

3 Tell students they have two minutes to write as many sports as they can that were in the most recent Olympics.
Scoring will be 2 points for a correctly spelled OLYMPIC sport
                        1 point only if not an OLYMPIC sport, wrong spelling or both
                        0 points if not a sport
While students create lists divide the board into columns (same number as groups)
When they have finished have a student from each group come and write words on board. Count up scored and applaud winners.

4 Explain about demonstration sports (2016 didn’t have any)
   Give examples   Kite flying    Baseball   Tenpin bowling
Ask for suggestions for sports that could be included.

5. Tell groups they must now invent a sport. Give an example (four team-football is a good one - played on a square pitch)
Sport must have a name, a description of how it is played, rules for how to win.

6 Groups invent own sports. Monitor and assist as necessary.

7 Choose some groups to explain their sports to the class. They can use the board for diagrams and class can ask questions about how the sport is played.

Lesson Plan: Computers and Society

Lesson Level: Senior 1                        Duration:  45 minutes

Lesson Title:    Computers and Society 

Grammar and Vocabulary

Words associated with computers.
Phrases and strategies for discussions. .

Lesson Objectives

Students will discuss and feed back on various issues related to computers in the modern world.

Materials Required

A set of question cards for each group plus one for the teacher. (See Notes) 


Prepare enough sets of question  cards to give one set to each group. Groups should have four to six students.


Introduce the topic.
Tell class todays lesson is all about computers.
Ask some students if they use computers.
Ask how they use computers and when.
Ask how much time each day they spend on computers.

Tell class that for the next half an hour they will do all the work and you will just help.

Show a set of cards to the class.
Explain that each card has a different question about computers.

Each group will have a set.

They must look at ONLY ONE CARD at a time.

One student must turn the card and read the question.
Every student in the group must give their answer to the question AND SAY WHY it is their answer. 

Stress that these are all questions about opinions. THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS.

They must spend at least two minutes on EACH question!

Demonstrate with one question by giving own opinion and then ask several students their opinions.

Give each group a question set

Monitor and assist as groups discuss the topics. 

When there are only ten minutes left stop the activity and go through as many questions as possible with the class, eliciting their opinions on the topics.

Collect all card sets back in.


Which things in the modern  world need computers to work?
Which everyday tasks can computers help us with?
Do you have a computer? hat do you use it for?
What is the best thing about computers?
What is the worst thing about computers?
Do you play computer games? Which is your favourite? Why?
What would life be like  for you if we didn’t have computers?
What would happen if all the computers in the world stopped working?
How easy is it to stay up to date with the latest technology?
Do we control computers or do they control us?
How do you think computer technology will change in the next twenty years?
How do you think computer technology will change in the next hundred years?
Do you ever get angry or frustrated because of  your computer?
Do you think people rely on computers too much?
Do you think parents should make sure that children don’t spend too much time using the computer?
Do you LIKE computers? Why?
Do you think computers will ever be able to think for themselves?
Most computers use a keyboard and screen now. Do you think that will change in the future?
What would you like computers to do that they can ’t do now.
Most films now use CGI  for the special effects. Do you think this makes the films better?
When did you first use a computer? How old do you think children should be when they first use computers?
Some people use computers to find a husband or wife? Is this a good idea?
Should computer games be introduced into the Olympics?
Will computers ever be more intelligent than people?