Lesson Level: Senior Duration: 45
Lesson Title: Olympic Sports
Grammar and Vocabulary
.Names of various sporting events
Lesson Objectives
Students will develop vocabulary of sporting events
Students will discuss ideas for possible new sports and create a new sport
Students will present their new sports to the class
Materials Required
List of sports from most recent Olympic games
Students will also need paper and pencils to develop ideas
1 Introduce topic
Ask a few students for their favourite sports
Ask questions about Olympic games
2 Put students into groups. The number of groups should be such that single members from all of them can simultaneously stand at board.
3 Tell students they have two minutes to write as many sports as they can that were in the most recent Olympics.
Scoring will be 2 points for a correctly spelled OLYMPIC sport
1 point only if not an OLYMPIC sport, wrong spelling or both
0 points if not a sport
While students create lists divide the board into columns (same number as groups)
When they have finished have a student from each group come and write words on board. Count up scored and applaud winners.
4 Explain about demonstration sports (2016 didn’t have any)
Give examples Kite flying Baseball Tenpin bowling
Ask for suggestions for sports that could be included.
5. Tell groups they must now invent a sport. Give an example (four team-football is a good one - played on a square pitch)
Sport must have a name, a description of how it is played, rules for how to win.
6 Groups invent own sports. Monitor and assist as necessary.
7 Choose some groups to explain their sports to the class. They can use the board for diagrams and class can ask questions about how the sport is played.