Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Lesson Plan: Oral Exam for 60+ Students

At my school I was unexpectedly asked to perform oral exams. This presented a problem. Each week I taught nineteen classes of up to sixty two students. I saw each class for forty minutes. The school wanted me to assess each student individually and give a grade within that time frame. If we say that we can explain it and get it set up in five minutes and that the admin of writing down each students name and grade and getting the next student started takes only five seconds then that gives less than thirty seconds per student. It takes thirty seconds to coax a single word out of some of the students. Clearly this was an impossible task. This lesson plan was devised with a lot of suggestions and input from other people.

It still can't be done in one forty minute session so the first thing you need to do is convince the school to let you take two weeks for each class. Having done that the lesson outlined below can be carried out in that time-frame. Whether it provides any kind of useful data for the school is debatable but I'd say that it doesn't. It does however fulfill the requirement placed on me – that is to assess each student and grade them and provide the tabulated results to the school.

The lesson can be used with all levels but you need to tailor your questions to the level being tested.

For lower levels you should use very simple questions. Where possible use question forms that you know have been drilled in class. If a student doesn't understand the question try to simplify it or ask a different question. For example you can change “What is your favourite animal?” To “What animal do you like?” (I know it should be “which”, but they may not!)

For higher levels you can ask more complicated questions but you should always be prepared to drop back to the easier style of question for students who cannot provide an answer.

And now, here's the lesson plan. It does require some preparation.

Lesson Level: All         Duration: 2 x 40 Minutes

Lesson Title: Oral Exam Lesson

Grammar and Vocabulary

Not applicable

Lesson Objectives

To grade the students on their Oral English skills

Materials Required

Marking sheets.

You require TWO marking sheets.

The first needs to have titles, Level, Class, Room at the top which you fill in before the lesson begins. It should have a table with columns headed Number, Name, Grade. There should be enough rows for the the largest class you have. The numbers column should be pre-printed with the numbers 1 – n (One per student).

The second sheet should have just two columns – Number (as above) and Grade.


You also require one copy per two students of the following instructions translated into the students' mother tongue. If the class is multilingual you will need it in ALL mother tongues.

Today is an exam
Your teacher will call you in groups of four to the front of the class.
Your teacher will ask you some questions.
Answer the questions using the best English that you can.
Tell your teacher if you do not understand the question.
If it is not your turn you MUST be quiet.
You can do your homework, revise or study.”

Picture Prompts

You also need a set of about ten pictures showing people engaged in various activities. These can be from a text book or printed from the internet.
For senior classes realistic pictures are best. For younger, junior classes, cartoon pictures are the best.

I used the following pictures which were all taken from text books that I have.

Junior Classes (Cartoons)
A schoolboy and a school girl talking.
A family group having a party.
A boy playing the guitar surrounded by other things used in hobbies.
A man reading a newspaper.
Five children playing in the snow.
A couple in a restaurant being served by a waiter.
A woman buying clothes.
A group of animals.
Santa on his sleigh flying over some houses.
Four children playing in the park.

Senior Classes (Photographs)
A group of casually dressed students, with their school books, all chatting.
A lost couple standing by their car, looking at a map.
Three hikers, one of them injured and the other two helping.
A grandmother, mother and daughter baking cookies.
A man and a woman cycling in the countryside.
A teacher helping a student.
Three fashionable teenagers carrying shopping bags.
Two people talking to an estate agent in front of a “For Sale” sign.
Four women having a birthday party.
Two men playing table tennis.


Prepare all the materials as above.
Before the lesson begins put the printed instructions on the desks.
Make sure you have pens that write!


Tell the class to read the instructions.
Make sure they understand.
Nominate a student to collect them back (you will need them again for the next class and for the second week.)

Work your way around the class calling four students at a time to the front.
The students should write their names next to the next four numbers on the first sheet.

Show the students one of the pictures.
Ask “What is it?”, “What can you see?” or “What are they doing?”
Get answers from each student.
Ask each student another question related to the picture.
Good questions are...
What is he wearing?”/”Tell me about his clothes”/”What colour is his...?”
Where are they?”
Is it the countryside or the city?”
What season is it?”/”Is it winter?” etc
Do you like her clothes?”

Any simple questions should do at this stage.
Keep note of how well the students are understanding and answering the questions.

Put the picture down. Ask more questions on the topic suggested by the picture.
For example if the picture with the boy playing the guitar is selected ask about their hobbies, if it is the picture of the couple buying a house ask about their homes and so on.
Again keep a track of the four students understanding and fluency.
Ask each student several questions


Send the students back to their seats.

While the next group is coming and writing their names on sheet one, record grades next to the numbers for the last group on sheet two. The grading system I used was as follows (Note: the symbol in brackets is what I wrote on the paper so that they couldn't easily see the grades of other students.)

A (//) Student answered questions clearly and accurately and gave additional information without prompting.
B (/) Student answered questions mostly clearly and accurately but did not provide any additional information.
C (-) Student answered the questions but with mistakes of vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation.
D (\) Student gave some answers but struggled with understanding. Answers were not clear or not clearly connected to the questions.
E (\\) Student was unable to provide answers to the questions or did not speak at all.

Repeat this until half the class has been done. 1
8 Repeat next week for the second half of the class.

When both sessions have been completed for a class, copy the grades back to sheet one, changing them back to A-E.


1. With larger classes it may be necessary to use groups of five. Smaller classes can use groups of three.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Lesson Plan: Favourite Books

Lesson Level:      Junior 2                  Duration:  40 minutes

Lesson Title:     Favourite books

Grammar and Vocabulary

Names of books, characters and authors
Descriptive word about favourite books
“I like it because it’s _____________”
“I don’t like it because it isn’t _________”

Lesson Objectives

 Students will complete an exercise on famous literary characters (see notes)
Students will describe their favourite books.
Students will use appropriate words to describe various books.

Materials Required

See notes


Prepare handout.


Write on the board “My favourite books.”
Toss the ball from student to student.
Student with ball must name his/her favourite book (Can be own language or English) and describe it (must be in English.)
Teacher can use questions to elicit information about book.

Put class into groups. (Groups should have no more than four members.)
Write on board
            I will give you some pictures from famous books.
            You must match the pictures to the characters and the authors.
            Write on your own paper.
Explain “character” and “author”.
Give handout.
Explain that students should write the number of the picture and the capital letter that goes with the
character name and the lower case letter for the author name (see handout.)

Monitor and assist the groups with the task.
Feedback and write answers on the board.

Write on board.
            You can only read one of these books.
            Which book will you choose?
            Find out which books your group choose.
            Find out why.

Get feedback from groups.

Write the book names on the board.
Write some words on the board – “interesting/ exciting/ romanatic/…”
Elicit and add more words that can be used to describe books.

“I like ______________ because it’s ______________.”
“I don’t like __________________ because it’s ___________.”

Give some examples.

Use ball toss from student to student to elicit examples of sentences.


Can you match these pictures of famous literary characters to their names and their authors.






A Sherlock Holmes B Harry Potter C Dracula D Romeo and Juliet
E Frankenstein F Alice In Wonderland G Jane Eyre

a JK Rowling b William Shakespeare c Mary Shelley d Charlotte Bronte
e Lewis Carroll f Bram Stoker g Arthur Conan Doyle

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Lesson Plan : Personal Possessions (Lower Level Version)

Note: This is a lower level version of the plan previously published which  has been created to allow a Junior 1 class who are effectively functioning at Primary School Level to participate. It has also been modified to be usable in a classroom where it is difficult to stick things to the board.
Lesson Level: Junior 1  (Grade 7 )   Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Lesson Title  Personal Possessions


He has...
What does he have...

Lesson Objectives

To practice use of the verb "have" with questions and answers.


Two different coloured sponge balls.
Copy of solution key for main activity. (See below.)


Prepare answer key for teacher use.


Put class into four large groups.


Divide board into columns – one column for each group.
Get one student from each group to board.
Tell students they have one minute to write as many things in a classroom as they can.
Groups can shout out suggestions to their teammate.  (10 Minutes, including marking)


After one minute students sit down.
Score two marks for a correct and correctly spelled word.
Score one mark for a correct but incorrectly spelled word.
Score no marks for an incorrect word.
Add up scores and have round of applause for winning group.


Write three names on left of board and three objects along top. Complete table as follows

                 Pen       Book      Glasses

John            /             /
Susan         / 
Danny                       /                /

Write “What does __________ have?”
          “Who has a __________?”

Throw ball to a student and ask question.
Repeat for three more students
Double ball toss. Student with one colour must ask a question. Student with other must answer it.  (7 Minutes)

Clear board. Retrieve balls..
Set up board as follows.

               Pen  Book  Glasses Pencil  Map  Ruler Watch Ball
John          /         /                     /                     /
Susan                 /            /                      /                  /
Danny       /                               /                     /                   /
Kate                                 /                      /                  /        /

NOTE – A copy of this answer key must be kept on the teacher's desk to check student answers.

Write the two questions as before below it.
“What does __________ have?”
     “Who has a __________?”


 Tell students they have two minutes to remember it. They must not write anything

(5 Minutes)


Rub out all the ticks.
Play double ball toss game again.
Student answering must answer from memory.
Fill in any CORRECT answer.
Play until board is complete.  (18 Minutes)

