Saturday, 13 September 2014

Lesson Plan : Personal Possessions (Lower Level Version)

Note: This is a lower level version of the plan previously published which  has been created to allow a Junior 1 class who are effectively functioning at Primary School Level to participate. It has also been modified to be usable in a classroom where it is difficult to stick things to the board.
Lesson Level: Junior 1  (Grade 7 )   Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Lesson Title  Personal Possessions


He has...
What does he have...

Lesson Objectives

To practice use of the verb "have" with questions and answers.


Two different coloured sponge balls.
Copy of solution key for main activity. (See below.)


Prepare answer key for teacher use.


Put class into four large groups.


Divide board into columns – one column for each group.
Get one student from each group to board.
Tell students they have one minute to write as many things in a classroom as they can.
Groups can shout out suggestions to their teammate.  (10 Minutes, including marking)


After one minute students sit down.
Score two marks for a correct and correctly spelled word.
Score one mark for a correct but incorrectly spelled word.
Score no marks for an incorrect word.
Add up scores and have round of applause for winning group.


Write three names on left of board and three objects along top. Complete table as follows

                 Pen       Book      Glasses

John            /             /
Susan         / 
Danny                       /                /

Write “What does __________ have?”
          “Who has a __________?”

Throw ball to a student and ask question.
Repeat for three more students
Double ball toss. Student with one colour must ask a question. Student with other must answer it.  (7 Minutes)

Clear board. Retrieve balls..
Set up board as follows.

               Pen  Book  Glasses Pencil  Map  Ruler Watch Ball
John          /         /                     /                     /
Susan                 /            /                      /                  /
Danny       /                               /                     /                   /
Kate                                 /                      /                  /        /

NOTE – A copy of this answer key must be kept on the teacher's desk to check student answers.

Write the two questions as before below it.
“What does __________ have?”
     “Who has a __________?”


 Tell students they have two minutes to remember it. They must not write anything

(5 Minutes)


Rub out all the ticks.
Play double ball toss game again.
Student answering must answer from memory.
Fill in any CORRECT answer.
Play until board is complete.  (18 Minutes)



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