Monday, 21 September 2015

Lesson Plan: Where we see Animals

Lesson Level: Junior 2 Duration: 40 Minutes

Lesson Title: Animals and their homes

Grammar and Vocabulary

Zoo, Farm, Jungle, Home, Wild (In the wild), wild animal, pet
Animal names

Use of “because” to give reasons.

Lesson Objectives

To give additional animal vocabulary and vocabulary about where we can see animals.
To be able to form sentences using “because”.

Materials Required

A map of a zoo with cages unlabelled. Enough A4 size copies for one per group of four students plus one poster size for the board.


Prepare maps.


Put students into groups of four. Write title on board “Animals”
Ask students where we can see animals.
Elicit and write on board zoo, farm, in the wild, home
Ensure that class understand these terms.

Write on board
Animals that we see in the zoo
Animals that we see on the farm
Pets that live in our homes
Animals that live in the wild

Give each group one of the categories.
Write on board
Write down as many animals for your place as you can.
You have two minutes

While students are working, divide board into four columns headed Zoo, Farm, Home, Wild
At the end of two minutes choose a student from one group for each category.
Students come to board and write their animal lists. Allow two minutes.

Cross out any that are in the wrong list and correct spellings as needed. Score 2 points for correct and correct spelling, one point for correct but incorrect spelling.

Applaud winners.

Ask other groups for more examples. Add them to lists (in a different colour if possible.)

Check that all students know all animals.

Clear all columns EXCEPT “Zoo”
Put the poster map of the zoo on the board. Explain to students what it is.

Put instructions on the board.

You must make your own zoo.
There are ten areas in your zoo.
Choose ten animals.
Decide where to put each animal.
For each animal make a sentence.
I put the _____________ in are ____ because.
You have ten minutes.
Give some examples.
e.g. I put the elephant in area six because it is the biggest.
I put the panda in area one because it is near the gate and everybody
loves pandas.

Monitor and assist as groups complete tasks.

Ask questions of the form “What animal did you put in area _____?” “Why did you put the ______ there.”

Ensure all groups answer some questions.


Suggested map.

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