Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Lesson Plan: The Return of the Aliens

Lesson Plan: The Return of The Aliens

This is a sequel to the junior version of the “Aliens Stole My Family Lesson”
It should be done the following year with classes that have previously seen that lesson.

Lesson Level: Junior 1 and 2 (Grades 7 and 8) Duration: 45 Minutes

Grammar and Vocabulary

Asking and answering questions.

Lesson Objectives

To encourage group discussion.

Materials Required

Photographs of your family members. (Photographs to represent your family members will do but classes respond better to the real thing.)
A cut out spaceship about a ten inches wide.


Prepare materials.
Before class draw an alien on the board.1



Draw an alien and a spaceship
Ask class if they remember the lesson where the Aliens took my grandmother away.
Elicit everything they can remember about that lesson.
Tell them any details that they have forgotten.

Elicit/describe the words.

Alien/Outer Space/Spaceship/Homeworld


Put students in groups of six.
Tell students they will need paper and pen.
Copy this to the board.

Name of Alien Planet:
Names of the Aliens:

On my planet we eat:

On my planet we like to:

On my planet we play:

On my planet the weather is:

We took Bob’s family because:

On my planet we have:

On my planet we don’t have:

This is what we look like:

Get each group of students to make a copy of the table on the board.

Fill it in (in a different colour) – either with details of Earth or with details made up for another planet. Ides for this can be elicited from the class.

Each group completes a table of their details.

When complete demonstrate asking questions by asking for one question to each group.
Choose one person from each group.

Send chosen person to another group with BLANK paper. The paper with the created details stays with the original group.

In the new group the visitor finds out as much information as he can and writes it down.

Return students to original group and give time to share the information.

7. Ball toss to ask students about their own group and about the group they interviewed.

8. Extension Activity

Write these questions on the board.

Would you like to live with the aliens?
Do you think the aliens like Earth/China?
If you want to show the aliens around Yangshuo, what will you show them?

Give groups 2 minutes thinking time then ask the questions using ball toss to select students to answer.

Lesson Plan: About Yangshuo - No Book/No Handout Version

Lesson Level: Senior 2 Duration: 40 Minutes

Lesson Title:

About Yangshuo (No Book Version)
(See Note 1)

Grammar and Vocabulary

Asking for and giving information about tourist sites.
Vocabulary relating to Tourist sites in and around Yangshuo

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to take part in dialogues about tourism in Yangshuo.

Materials Required

Ideally students will have access to the book “Travelling Around Yangshuo”, Module 1. If this is not available similar texts and dialogues may be substituted.2




Write lesson title “About Yangshuo” on board.
Put students into groups of four to six.

Write instructions on board.

I am a tourist in Yangshuo.
What can I see and do here.
You have one minute to write as many ideas as you can.

Groups write their ideas.

While groups write their ideas, check quickly that all groups are working.
Clear board.

When time is up ask each group for one idea and make list on the board.
When every group has been asked, check if anyone has ideas not on the board.

Toss ball from student to student and ask questions about the items on the board.
Where is that?
How can I get there?
Where can I do that?
Is it expensive?

Write the following words on the board and elicit and write some definitions.

elicit more words that can be used to describe a place you like and add them to the board with definitions.

Write the dialogue opening on the board (two colours.)

Choose two students to read the dialogue out loud.
Check class understanding.

Write instructions on the board,

Each group add more to the dialogue.

The tourist (B) must ask questions about things to see and do.
The local person (A) must give the tourist ideas.

Write AT LEAST five more sentences each for the tourist and the local person.

Students create own dialogues.
Monitor and assist as necessary.

When students have all completed their dialogues choose a group to stand up and read.

Repeat for several groups.

Tell students they must prepare a short piece to be shown on a local television program explaining why they think people should visit Yangshuo.
They should include some information about the things you can see and do here and about the best time to come.
It should last for about one minute.

Monitor and assist as students prepare pieces.

Choose one or more groups to stand up and deliver their piece to the class.


Tell students where your home city is (Birmingham for me)
Tell each group to think of three questions they would ask you if they came to visit your city.

Ask each group in turn for their questions and answer them.

This lesson has been designed specifically for Yangshuo Middle School. This version can be used without the textbook It could be adapted for other locations.


A: Hi, isn't it a lovely day, today?
B: Yes. It's a beautiful day.
A: Do you live around here or are you visiting?
B: I'm on vacation from England.
A: That's cool. Is this your first visit to Yangshuo?
B: Yes. It's actually my first time in China. I've been looking forward to it.
A: Do you have any plans for what you would like to see and do?
B: I don't know. There is so much in the guidebook, it's hard to choose.
A: Can I help you?

B: That would be great! What do you recommend?

Lesson Plan: A Game Show Win (Language Quiz Version)

Lesson Level:    All                   Duration:  40 Minutes

Lesson Title:     A Game Show Win

Grammar and Vocabulary

As used in the quiz grid for the first section of the lesson.

Lesson Objectives

Students will answer language questions to win “cash” and then discuss as groups how they will spend it.
Students will understand what “charity” means and be able to decide which kind of charity they would like to support.

Materials Required

A prepared Quiz Grid – see notes


Write Game Show on board


Put Class into groups (No more than 12 Groups
Draw a five by five grid on the board
Label the columns with the category names and the rows a s “Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard”
Write nothing in the grid.
OR label the rows with amounts of money to win (100,1000, 10000, 50000, 100000)

Write extra instructions.
“Choose a topic and a level.
Harder Questions are worth more money than easier questions”

Play the game,

In turn, each group chooses a square on the board.
Ask the group the question.
If they answer correctly write the group number in the square and the amount of money won.
If they answer incorrectly write nothing in the square.

Go round the groups twice.

Check results and see which groups have won most money.

If any groups have one no money allocate them 100.

Tell groups the money they have won in Yuan. (Note Grid can be in Yuan, Pounds or Dollars – the sample grid in the notes is in pounds.)

Clear the grid but leave the group numbers and cash values.

Write on board.

Each group
            Look at the money you have won.
            Discuss how you will spend it.
            Will you buy things for yourself?
            Will you buy things for other people?
            Will you give any money to charity? Which charity?

You have five minutes.

Get feedback from the groups.

Tell groups that they have won one million yuan.
Tell groups to repeat the discussion.

Add the question.

Does winning so much change the way you want to spend your money?

Feedback from groups.


This version of the grid is based on grammar and vocabulary that should be known to Senior 2 (and perhaps Senior 1) classes and is ALL about use of English language.
More general grids can be used if required. (See alternate version of plan)

Write a copy of the grid in your lesson plan. Your copy should include in each section the question, the answer and a cash value for a correct answer.

Quiz Grid

Use a word

Grammar Questions
Find and correct the mistake(s) in this sentence:
1.         The boys are play in the park. (1 mistake)
6.         The girl breaked the window with the ball. (2 mistakes)
11.       Next year I will going to visiting my family in England.  (2 mistakes)
16        The red, fast car drived along the narrow street at a dangerously speed. (3 mistakes)
21.       In the corner of the street where I used to lived their was a oak tree. (4 mistakes)

Explain the meaning of the following word:
2.         Sad
7.         Comfortable
12.       Gorilla
17.       Perfect
22.       Regret

As a group decide how to pronounce this word. The whole group must say it properly to win.
3.         Beautiful
8.         Suit
13        Rhythm
18.       Yacht
23.       Sphinx

I will give you a word. You must simply spell it correctly.
4.         Beauty Beaty Bueaty Bauety
9          Tried Tired Tierd Tide
14        Lite Lighte Light Litgh
19.       Imposible Inposible Imposible Impossible
24.       Gittarist Gitarist Guitarist Guitarrist

Use in a Sentence
5.         Happiness
10        Succeed
15        Complete
20        Rewarded

25        Misunderstood