Thursday, 26 April 2018

Lesson Plan: Surveys

Lesson Level:Senior 2                      Duration:  45

Lesson Title:     Analyse This 

Grammar and Vocabulary

 Language used to analyse statistics

Lesson Objectives

 Students will be able to read, describe and create surveys using appropriate technical language.

Materials Required

This lesson is based on material fro Practical Oral English:Senior 2 (Summer Term) Unit 7. Content is shown in Note 1

Survey slips (See Note 2)

Students also require blank paper for creation of own surveys.


Ensure book is available to students OR create and print a table as shown in Note 1. Print enough copies fro all students to see or share.

Create and print survey sheets. Enough for one per group. (These are NOT reusable and will need to be created for each class. 


1 Put title on Board: “Surveys”. Elicit/Explain that a survey us when you ask many people the same questions to get information.

Tell students to open book at page 37 OR handout survey table. {See Note 1}

Tell students to look at the table. While they do that put phrases on the board

The table shows…
We can see that…
According to the survey…
The number of…

2 Explain the phrases meanings and that they are used to begin sentences when talking about data. (Explain “data” if needed.)

3 Ask if students think something important is missing from the table. Try to elicit that “Don’t watch TV” column needs to be added.

4 Put students in groups. (No more than eight groups)
Draw a copy of the Survey slip (Note 2) on the board.
Explain how to complete it.
(Ask the question. Put a tally mark (explain ‘tally mark’) in column. At end count and record tally marks.

5. Give one student in each group a survey slip. Students complete the survey for their group
Students feedback their answers . Teacher collates on board. Students copy into book. (BUT NOT if using handouts. They need to be collected back for subsequent classes.) 

6 Ask some questions about the survey.

7 Tell students we will now create a new survey about movies.
Elicit a list of movie genres (eg. Action, SF,  Romance, Comedy, Cartoons, Other)
Actual list doesn’t matter but must include other.
Create the question. “Which kind of movie do you like best?”.
Show students how to create own survey slip.
Students conduct survey.


People who watch TV

Children         53000       8000          65000
Female Adults 25000       50000        35000
Male Adults     11000       70000      40000
Pensioners        65000      70000       40000
Disabled         15000      25000       11000
When to watch Daytime Evenings Week-ends

Survey Slip.

When do you watch TV most?
In the Daytime, In the Evening, at Weekends or Never

Daytime ………………………………………………… Total (   )
Evening ………………………………………………… Total (   )
Weekend   ……………………………………………… Total (   )
Never     ………………………………………………… Total (   )

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