Thursday, 4 October 2018

Lesson Plan: Natural Disasters

Lesson Level:     Senior 1                   Duration: 45

Lesson Title:      Earthquakes and Disasters

Grammar and Vocabulary

Earthquake, Flood, Tsunami, Fire, Hurricane, Landslide. Drought, Volcanic Eruption
(other disaster words that arise during first activity).

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to discuss natural disasters and follow a description of an Earthquake both answering factual questions and opinions based on it.

Materials Required

Prepared text and questions 


Print enough copies of the text to hand out to groups in weaker classes only. 


1 Write “Earthquakes and Natural Disasters” on board and elicit meanings.

2 Put class into groups of four or six. Ask groups to think of other kinds of natural disasters. Give only two or three minutes thinking time.
Ask students for their suggestions and write them on the board.
Elicit all meanings.

3  Hand out work sheets. These should consist of pictures relating to the eight vocabulary words and associated news headlines. Students should match the headlines, pictures and vocabulary words.
Feedback and put the answers on the board.

4 Put this questions on the board. “All of these disasters are serious. Which do you think are the most serious? Why? Is there anything we can do to help prevent any of them? Is there anything we can do if they occur?”
Groups discuss the questions.
Lead class discussion for feedback.

5. Tell the class that you will now read a news item to them. Write these questions on the board and tell the class to make a note of the answers.
Where was it?
When did it happen?
What magnitude was it?
What happened?
How many people died?
How many people were left homeless?
What was the cost of the repairs?
Hand out copies of the text and questions for class to check their answers.
Feedback answers. 

Go through new vocabulary and write meanings on board.

6  Extension Activity

Discuss groups such as Medicine sans Frontieres. International Red  Cross and OXFAM. Explain who they are and what they do. Explain that they are independent and not controlled by any Government.

Put question on the board.

DO you think that Governments should get together to create one big group to help anywhere in the world in disasters?
What would be the advantages and disadvantages of such an organisation.

Give groups time to discuss and elicit feedback.


Listening text

On March 11th, 2011 there was a giant earthquake off the south east coast of Japan. It was magnitude 9. The earthquake was under the sea bed and caused a massive tsunami which devastated the South East coast of Japan. Whole towns were destroyed and boats and cars were carried many miles inland.
It also caused damage to a nuclear power plant and radioactive contamination. At least 18,000 people were killed and more than half a million were left homeless. The estimated cost of repairs was almost three hundred billion dollars. Many countries around the world helped Japan with money and aid.


A  Waters still rising after river banks burst
B  Thousands pray for rain as crops fail again
C  100 mph winds leave trail of devastation
D  Weeks needed to clear roads
E  Village destroyed by lava
F   Ships and boats driven miles inland
G  200 foot wall of flame kills 12 firefighters
H  Aftershocks hinder rescue attempts

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