Sunday, 28 April 2019

Lesson Plan: Emojis

Lesson Level: Senior                       Duration:  45 Minutes

Lesson Title:     The Emoji Lesson

(Note: This lesson is a mash up of my Picture Story lesson and a similar lesson I found on the internet about emojis.)

Grammar and Vocabulary

Sentence building and story telling .

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to create a story from prompts using complex sentences. 

Materials Required

The required worksheet is described here.

There should be ten sets of ten emojis each. These can either be randomly allocated or specifically chosen to be connected. The worksheet I use has a mix with some sets indicating an alien story, a ghost story, a fairy tale romance and so on and other sets being randomly chosen.

The instructions printed below the sheet are.

Choose one of the sets above.
Write a story of at least 75 words that include as many of the chosen set as possible.
You may use them in any order and do not have to use all of them.

You also need a set of ten emojis big enough to put on the board for the class to see and a way to attach them to the board.


Prepare the materials.


Introduce lesson.
Explain that it is to develop skills at writing more complicated sentences.
Break the class into small groups – four is the ideal number.
(2 Minutes)

Put the large emoji set  on board.
Elicit from the class what each emoji is and write one or two words beneath it.
(2 Minutes)

Explain that we are going to write (or start to write) a story using these emojis. Explain that we can use them in any order and that we don’t need to use all of them.
Write a simple first sentence. Elicit ideas for how to continue the story and add sentences. When there are four or five sentences elicit ways to improve them (with adjectives, adverbs; joining separate sentences with conjunctions; adding clauses etc) and write the new versions.
(10 Minutes)

Give each group the worksheet.
Go through the work sheet instructions.

Give groups ten to fifteen minutes to write stories based on there chosen emoji set.
Monitor and assist as needed.
(15 Minutes)

In turn each group comes to the front and reads their story – bring whole group to front.
(15 Minutes)


1. Worksheet

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