Sunday, 16 June 2019

Lesson Plan: Discussion and Assessment

Lesson Level:   Senior                   Duration:  45

Lesson Title:     Discussion and Assessment

Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar and vocabulary from the whole semester .

NOTE: - This lesson is suitable for assessment of students speaking which can be done by making notes while monitoring the main tasks.

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to discuss a topic, form statements representing opinions and present their conclusions to the class. 

Materials Required

 A set of prepared discussion topics each in the form of two opposed statements. (See notes)


Prepare cards showing the opposing statements.


1 Tell class that today is an assessment lesson.
Write these instructions on the board and explain them.
Check that everyone understands.

You will work in groups.
You will see two sentences.
Read them carefully.
For each sentence think of THREE things that support it.
As a group decide which sentence you agree with.
Write down your reasons.

2 Divide the class into groups
Give each group ONE of the discussion cards.

3 Monitor the discussions BUT DO NOT ASSIST (except for explaining the meaning of unfamiliar words)

4 After 15 minutes (Be strict on time) stop the activity.

5. Put these instructions on the board.
Stand up.
Read your two sentences out loud.
Tell the class which sentence you agree with.
Tell the class your reasons.

6 Follow the above procedure for each group. 


1A.   Everyone should own a pet.
B.No one should own a pet.

2.A. You should follow your dream even if you don’t make any money.
B, Making money is more important than following your dream.

3.A. There are probably aliens on other planets.
B.There are probably no aliens on other planets.

4.A. Life was better in the past than it is now.
B, Life is better now than it was in the past.

5.A. Global warming is the most serious problem in the world today.
B.Global warming isn’t real so it isn’t a problem.

6.A. There is no such thing as ghosts.
B, Ghosts exist and are all around us.

7.A. There should be stronger laws to stop people smoking.
B People should be able to smoke anywhere they want to.

8.A. There are some jobs that only men or only women can do.
B.Every job is suitable for both men and women.

9.A. Western medicine is better than Chinese traditional medicine.
B, Chinese traditional medicine is better than western medicine.

10.A. Girls are better students than boys.
B, Boys are better students than girls.

11.A. Sports stars and film stars are paid too much money.
B, Sports stars and film stars are NOT paid too much money.

12.A. Married people are happier than people who are not married.
B, People who are not married are happier than married people.

13.A. Your personality is more important than how you look.
B, How you look is more important than your personality.

14.A The internet is a good thing.
B, The internet is a bad thing.

15.A. Children spend too much time playing on the computer.
B, It isn’t a problem if children spend a lot of time playing on the

16.A. Watching movies is better than reading books.
B, Reading books is better than watching movies.

17.A. We should be able to download any music for free.
B, We should have to pay for any music we download.

18.A. Playing violent computer games makes people violent
B, Playing violent computer games doesn’t make people violent

19.A. Visiting other countries is a good thing.
B, Visiting other countries is a bad thing.

20.A. Modern music is better than traditional music.
B, Traditional music is better than modern music.

21.A. Chinese music is better than western music.
B, Western music is better than Chinese music.

22.A. Chinese food is better than western food.
B, Western food is better than Chinese food.

23.A. It is good to spend money sending people into space.
B, Sending people into space is a waste of money.

24.A. Drinking alcohol should be banned.
B, Drinking alcohol should NOT be banned.

25.A. Playing sport is more fun than watching sport.
B, Watching sport is more fun than playing sport.

26.A. Dancing is a sport and should be in the Olympics.
B, Dancing is not a sport and should not be in the Olympics.

27.A. Everyone should learn a foreign language.
B, Learning a foreign language is a waste of time.

28.A. Travelling by boat is better than travelling by air.
B, Travelling by air is better than travelling by boat.

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