Lesson Level: Senior Duration: Duration
Lesson Title: Who wants to be a millionaire
Grammar and Vocabulary
Listening and group discussion practice
Lesson Objectives
Students will take part in a language/general knowledge quiz. They will work in teams to discuss the answers.
Materials Required
A ppt with eleven 4 answer multiple choice questions labelled A,B,C,D. Half should be language questions and half multiple choice. (First one is for demonstration purposes only)
Enough sets of four cards labelled A,B,C and D to give one to each group.
A poster divided into as many columns as there are groups in the biggest class and 11 rows. Bottom row just contains group numbers. Working up row show cash amounts 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 500000, 1000000
Enough magnets to secure poster to board and have one magnet for each group.
Prepare all materials before the lesson starts.
Open ppt
Put poster on board and put a magnet in each starting position.
Divide class into groups. Give each group a set of four cards labelled A,B,C and D.
1 Go through question procedure using the example question.
Show the question.
Give discussion time (for demo just 30 seconds is enough, for other questions use one minute)
Tell groups to hold up one of cards.
Move the magnets for all correct answers up by one.
Tell students that if they get an answer wrong they move down by one.
(Note. If you want to you can include lifelines in the game. For the 50-50 lifeline a group is shown the letters for the right answer and one other. For the phone a friend lifeline they can ask another group for help. For the other lifeline they can stay where they are if wrong instead of sliding down a place.)
2 Play the game through the ten questions.
3 Tell each group that they have one the money shown by their position on the poster. Each member of the group has won that amount of money.
4. Tell groups to discuss and to write down answers to these questions.
How will you spend your money?
Will you give any money to your friends and family?
How much and why?
Will you buy any gifts for anyone?
Who and why?
Will you give any money to charity?
Which charities and why?
5. Feedback answers
6 Extra task
Do you think TV quiz shows are a good thing or do they give people an unrealistic expectation of winning money? How do you think you would feel if you went on a quiz show and won no money at all?

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