Sunday, 6 April 2014

Lesson Plan:Astronomy

Lesson Level: Senior 1 Duration: 40 Minutes

Lesson Title: Astronomy

Grammar and Vocabulary

Names of the planets, names of some constellations (See notes 1 and 2)

Lesson Objectives

To discuss what things look like.
To read and discuss various facts, identifying which facts belong to which planets.

Materials Required
Pictures of constellations with stars marked and drawing of the constellation name (required by teacher only)
Sets of planetary fact sheets (one for each group)

Prepare materials as above.


1 (2 Minutes/ 2 Minutes)
Write “astronomy” on the board.
Elicit from class the meaning.

Write “constellation” on the board.
Elicit or explain the meaning

2 (3/5)
Give task example.
Choose ONE of the constellations from the list in the notes.
Mark the stars on the board (using coloured chalk)
Tell the class that when people look at this they see it as a pattern that makes a (whatever).
Ask if the can see it. (Probably not.)
Use white chalk to draw the picture around it.
3 (10/15)
tell class we will now have a quiz to test their imaginations.
Put class in groups of four.

For each of the other constellations

mark the stars on the board and ask class to guess what it represents.
Give only 30 seconds to guess.
Elicit guesses from each group (quickly)
Give any group guessing correctly one point.
Draw the shape.

Erase and repeat for next constellation.

5. (3/18)
Write on the board
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas

ask if they can guess why you wrote it

Explain that it's a mnemonic ( a way to remember) the nine planets in the right order.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
6 (10/28))
Tell class they must match the facts to the planets.
Hand out the fact sheets.
Make sure class know they must not write on them.
Groups must read and match the facts to the planets.

7 (12/40)
Give correct answers.
Explain any facts that anyone doesn't understand.

Ask each group how many they got right.
Add scores to board.

8 Extension task:

Ask groups to discuss which planet they would most like to visit if they were astronauts and why they think it would be interesting.


  1. Constellation pictures.

harp (Lyra)
eagle (Aquila)
lion (Leo)
plough/big dipper (Part of Ursa Major)
Orion, the hunter (Orion)
scales (Libra)
dog (Canis Major)
scorpion (Scorpio)

Planetary facts Sheet

a. Has the tallest mountain in the solar system.

1. Mercury
b. Is also known as “The morning star”.
c. Is the only planet not named after a Roman God.
2. Venus
d. has a system of rings that surround it.
e. Has moons named after characters from Shakespeare's plays.
3. Earth
f. The year is just 88 days long.
g. Was a planet until 2006 but is now classed as a “dwarf planet”
4. Mars
h. Has the shortest day of any planet (just 9 hours).
I. has a year that lasts for almost 165 Earth years.
5. Jupiter
j. Does not orbit in the same plane as the other planets.
k. Is now the smallest planet in the solar system.
6. Saturn
l. Has 14 moons.
m. Has a day that is longer than it's year.
n. Has a giant red spot.
o. Was discovered in 1781
8. Neptune
p Has about 150 moons and smaller moonlets.
q. Is the only planet known to have life.
9. Pluto
r. Is named after the Roman God of War

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