Thursday, 24 April 2014

Lesson Plan: Superheroes

Lesson Level: Senior 1 Duration: 40 Minutes

Lesson Title: Superheroes

Grammar and Vocabulary

superhero, Superman, Batman, character, villain, plot, story, abilities, invulnerable.

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to develop a character, a plot and a story.

Materials Required

Spare villain character sheets. See Note 3.




1 (5 Minutes/ 5 Minutes)
Write “Superhero” on the board. Explain that it means fictional characters with amazing powers. Give examples of Superman and Iron Man (or other characters from current superhero movies.)
Toss ball around class asking students if they know any other superheroes. Make a list on the board.
Ask follow up questions about what makes these characters super.1

Write “Supervillain” on the board. Explain that while the superheroes are the good guys, the suprvillains are the bad guys.. Give examples of “The Joker”, “Lex Luthor” , “Loki” (or other characters from current movies).
Toss ball around class asking students if they know any other supervillains. Make a list on the board.
Ask follow up questions about what makes these characters super.

2 (5/10)
Toss the ball around the class asking which are their favourite superheroes and why.

3 (10/20)
Put students into groups of four. tell them that each group needs TWO pieces of paper.
Draw large squares on the board to represent the two pieces of paper.
At the top of the first write “HERO”
Get the class to copy it.
Write “Hero Name”
Get the class to copy it. Give your own hero a name.2
Get class to give their own heroes names. Walk around and check that they understand while they do this.
Repeat for Real Name, Super abilities, Weakness and Origin.

Repeat for Supervillain on the other piece of paper.
Create a superhero on the board.

Optionally have them draw their hero and villain too.

Hero Name
Real Name
Super abilities

Clark Kent
Can fly, super strong, invulnerable, X-reay vision, heat vision
Kryptonite can kill him
Alien from planet Krypton
Villain Name
Real Name
Super abilities
Super intelligent computer.
Does not understand emotions
Created on an alien world to conquer every planet in the universe

4 (10/30)
Collect the supervillain descriptions and art.3
Give supervillains to new groups.

Write this on board.

YOUR hero must fight the villain you have been given.
In your group write a story about this fight.
Your story must answer these questions.

Who is fighting?
What does the villain want?
What does the hero want?
Why are they fighting?
Where are they fighting?
When are they fighting?

Describe the fight?

Who wins?

While groups write their stories monitor and assist as necessary.

5 (10/40)
Choose a group to read their story.
After the reading ask class what they think of the story. Ask individual students questions about the story.

Repeat with other groups as time allows.


  1. I'm lucky with this. I collected comics for years and know all about the superheroes from Marvel and DC. It's not essential though. Check up on the details for a couple – say Batman and Superman – before you go.

    Also try to get a few female ones. I use Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Black Widow.
  2. I've used Superman and Braniac in the example above but it's better to create your own. In my classes I created the Blue Kangaroo and his nemesis Cactus Man.

  3. Check them discretely as you collect them. Some students use the names of other students or teachers. This is OK but try to screen out anything that is mean or offensive.
    Sometimes students will create characters with rude names or abilities. Have a few spares already prepared to use to replace these.

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