Sunday, 27 July 2014

Lesson Plan: Chinese teacher Training Part 3

Lesson Plan: Chinese Teacher Training Part 3

This lesson is designed as session three of a series of four given to introduce Chinese teachers with a low level of English to both the English Language and British Culture.
The four sessions together form a one day seminar.

Lesson Level: Training For Chinese Teachers    Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Lesson Title: British Culture And British School Life

Information about the UK and UK School Life
Associated Vocabulary

Lesson Objectives

To introduce Chinese Teachers to aspects of United Kingdom Culture and to some of the differences between UK and China School systems.


Before the lesson make sure to have a copy of a British Isles map that you can put on the board or copy onto the board. This map should include the Shetlands, Orkneys, Channel Islands, Isle of Wight and Isle of Man as well as the two main islands.

You also need a copy of the United Kingdom Quiz (see notes)


At the start of the lesson put the students into groups of six or eight depending on the class size. There should be no more than ten groups.   Give each group an answer sheet.

Write “United Kingdom Quiz” on the board. Explain that we will do a quiz about the United Kingdom. Explain that they can discuss the answers in Chinese but must write them in English.
Put the Map on the board. Question 1 relates to the map.
Conduct the quiz as follows.
For multiple choice questions write the question on the board with the four possible answers.
For other questions write the question on the board.
Read the question to the class.
Allow groups time to discuss and write their answers.
When all ten questions have been completed, repeat the questions (orally only) and ask the class for their answers. Write the correct answers on the board and discuss them. See notes for discussion points to be raised.

Check scores.

Change class into smaller groups (4 or 5 students)
Write this Question on the board.

How do you think British and Chinese schools are different?
Allow groups time to discuss.

Go round groups one at a time and get ideas.
Write ideas on the board.
When the ideas are all on the board discuss them
Explain where their ideas are right and where they are wrong.

Make sure the following points are covered.

Length of school week and day (6 days and up to 12 hours in China/ 5 Days and up to 7 hours UK)
School discipline
Students in China also act as cleaners etc for the school.
More exams in China.
Size of classes and different teaching techniques.
School ages 5- primary, 11-secondary, 18 higher (can leave school at 16 but must have some kind of continuing education until 18 changed 2013.)
Compulsory subjects

  • English, history, mathematics, science, geography,modern foreign languages, art-design-tech, music, pe, citizenship, ICT
  • careers, sex and relationships, RE (parental discretion allowed) (not examined)
Further time for Q&A session.


UK Quiz

  1. What is this a map of?
    a) The United Kingdom, b) Great Britain, c)The British Isles d) England

Discuss the meanings of the various terms. UK Consists of England/Scotland/Wales/N. Ireland
Great Britain is the main Island (England/Scotland/Wales), British Isles is the whole lot including Channel Islands and Republic of Ireland etc England is Just part of the main island.

  1. What is Big Ben?
    a) a clock b) a bell c) a tower d) the Government Buildings

It's the bell in the clock. The clock has no name, the tower is called Saint Stephen's Tower and the building is the Palace of Westminster

  1. What is the name of the Queen's eldest child?
    a)Edward b)Anne c) Andrew d) Charles

Charles was born in 1948, Ann in 1950 Andrew in 1960 Edward 1964

  1. What is the population of the United Kingdom (in millions) Free answer

63 million (July 2013) compared to 1.35 billion in China (billion = thousand million NOT million million)

  1. What is the size of the UK? Free answers in km2

244,000 sqkm which makes it a little larger than Guangxi and about half as big as Sichuan

  1. After English and Welsh what is the next most common language spoken in the United Kingdom?
    a) Polish b) Chinese c) Spanish d) Punjabi

In the 2011 census Polish had overtaken Punjabi with more than half a million speakers. Explain about EU open borders policy.

  1. What is the most popular food in England?
    a) stir fry noodles and vegetables b) fish and chips c) roast beef d) curry

According to a survey earlier this year.
Discuss if this surprises them. Explain how British culture loves to take things from all over the world.

  1. The BBC asked the people in the UK who was the greatest Briton ever? What was the answer?
    a) William Shakespeare b)Princess Diana c)Winston Churchill d)Margaret Thatcher

Ask class for their ideas.

  1. Who is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?

David Cameron (at the time of writing, July 2014)

  1. Queen Victoria was our longest reigning monarch. How long was she the Queen for?
    a) almost 55 years b) almost 60 years c) almost 64 years d) almost 70 years
But if our present queen reigns for another 400 days (as at July 2014) she will pass that record.

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