Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Lesson Plan: Pets

Lesson Level:    Junior                    Duration:  40 Minutes

Lesson Title:     Pets

Grammar and Vocabulary
Fish, snake, lizard, spider, insect, rock
Companion, depend on
(Other vocabulary arising from class).

Lesson Objectives
To learn words related to pets and pet care
To be able to talk about what pets you have and what pets you would like.

Materials Required
Reading exercise2
Picture Vocabulary sheet (with joke related to dialogue)3

Prepare enough copies of the handouts to give one to each student.


Write “Pets” on the board.
Elicit meaning and add. (Pets are animals that live with us in our homes.)
Use ball toss to elicit a list of animals people keep as pets. Put in three columns – Yes, No and Maybe.

Give dialogue handout.
Get three students to read it while others listen.
Read out again and check vocabulary words.
Check students understand meanings by asking “What is a…?”, “What does… mean?”

Give the vocabulary sheet handout.
Drill the words with the class.

Write these questions on the board.

What is Joe’s unusual new pet?
Why does Joe think it is a good pet?
Joe’s friends think he is crazy. What do you think?
Joes friends suggest five things they think it might be. What are they?
Which of these pets would you like?
Can you think of good and bad things about each pet?

Tell groups to find the answers.
Use ball toss to elicit answers from groups.

(Optional Activity – depending on time and strength of class.)
Give reading text.
Write these words on the board.

Companion, nourishment, tips, vaccination, commitmen, enrich

Tell students to shout “Stop” when they hear one of the words.

Read the text. Whenever the students hear one of the words stop and explain the meaning.

Clear the board and write these questions.

Do you think it is a good idea to keep pets in your home?
What about exotic pets such as snakes or spiders?
Are there any animals that you should never keep as pets?
What do your friends think?

Monitor and assist while groups discuss. Feedback from groups.


Joe Hello you guys, do you want to see my new pet?
Keith OK, where is it.
Joe In a tank in my bedroom.
Laura What is it? You say it's in a tank? Is it a fish?
Joe No, of course not! Fish are really boring.
Keith I'll bet it's a snake or a lizard. Am I right?
Joe No. It's not a snake or a lizard, though I agree that they aren't as boring as fish.
Laura. Is it some kind of spider or maybe an insect? I hope not. I don't like creepy-crawlies. If
it's a creepy-crawly I shall scream!
Joe Don't worry. It isn't a creepy-crawly. It won't scare you.
Laura You are sure it isn't something horrible and dangerous?
Joe I'm sure. It's not in the least bit dangerous. It's the perfect pet. It's easy to look after. It's
interesting. It's friendly... or at least it isn't unfriendly. Come on. It's in here.
Keith In this tank?
Joe That's right.
Keith I'm sorry to tell you this but I think it's escaped. I can't see anything in here.
Laura Here, let me look. No, I can't see anything either. I think Joe's having a joke with us.
There isn't a pet in this tank.
Joe It's there. I can see it. It's right in the middle.
Laura Joe, there's no animal in this tank. There's just sand and a rock.
Joe Who said my new pet was an animal? My new pet is a rock.
Keith A rock?
Laura A rock? You must be crazy.
Joe I'm not crazy. It's easy to look after. I don't have to feed it or clean it or take it for a
walk or anything. It's never going to escape or run away.
Keith But it doesn't do anything
Joe I know. Great isn't it.

Congratulations -- you've added a companion animal to your life!
Like a child, your pet will depend on you for everything -- food, medical attention, exercise and safety.
You'll want to make sure you give him the best care possible.
You've come to the right place. These tips provide information on many areas of pet care, from
choosing a collar and ID tag, to exercising your new dog or cat, to traveling with your pet, to keeping
him safe at home during the cold winter months.
You’ll also discover helpful information about your pet’s health, including vaccinations and what to do
if your pet shows signs of illness.
With love, commitment and proper care, your pet will grow up safe and healthy and will enrich every
aspect of your life. May you enjoy every moment that you share with your new best friend!


You need a vocabulary sheet showing pictures and words for fish, lizard, insect,snake, spider, rock.
It should also have an uncaptioned picture of many different household pets. and the below cartoon.

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