Sunday, 15 November 2015

Lesson Plan: Opening A Restaurant

IMPORTANT NOTE: My school has asked me to use ten minutes of each lesson for five students to give two minute presentations which will be evaluated as their exam. I question the value of this for many reasons that I'll go into elsewhere but the result is that this lesson plan is for a 30 minute lesson only. I also question the value of that but the decision isn't mine to make.

Lesson Level: S2 Duration: 30

Lesson Title: Opening a Restaurant

Note: this lesson must follow on from the previous lesson where students, in groups of 4 to 6, produced a menu showing the foods and prices for their restaurant.

Grammar and Vocabulary
Waiter, cook/chef, manager, cleaner, customer
Dialogues between customer and waiter. .

Lesson Objectives

Students will discuss the roles of the staff in a restaurant and the factors that influence the best location for the restaurant.

Materials Required

A large map of a tourist area featuring several streets and tourist attractions.1
Some sample menus for groups that don't have last week's work with them.2
Ball to toss for questioning/feedback.

Prepare the map.
Students should already have menus prepared in previous lesson.


Put the title, “Opening a restaurant” on the board.
Add the vocabulary for waiter, chef/cook, manager, cleaner, bar staff, customer and elicit definitions.3

Put students back into same groups as last week. Check that they all have menus.

Put the map on the board. Point out/elicit the key features of different locations.
eg. Lots of tourists/few tourist
Near shops/far away from shops
Expensive rent/cheap rent
Good night life/no night life
Location of tourist attractions

Put these questions on the board.
What kind of restaurant will you open?4
Where will you open it?
In your group, who will do which jobs?
What are your opening times?
How big is your restaurant? (How many customers can you seat?)
Explain that for each question students must also explain why they chose their answer.

Make sure students know that they must write their answers as well as discuss them.

Monitor and assist.

Use ball toss to ask students questions about their restaurant. (Just one or two questions per student.)
e.g. What kind of food do you sell.
Where is your restaurant?
Why did you choose that location?
When is your restaurant open?
Why don't you open at night?
Who is your manager?
How many waiters do you have?

Get one student from each group to stand up and describe the group's restaurant.

(If time)
Ask class which restaurant they liked best. Ask individual students why they chose the ones they did.


  1. My map is of Yangshuo because that connects with the students' text book but a fictional town might be better as that would allow more control of different aspects of various areas.
  1. Sample menu
    Bob's Great Restaurant


Cheese pizza..............30 RMB (Sm) 50 RMB (L)
Sausage Pizza............45 RMB (Sm) 60 RMB (L)
Seafood Pizza..............40 RMB (Sm) 55 RMB(L)
Hamburger...............................................20 RMB
Hamburger and Chips.............................28 RMB
Beef Noodles...........................................10 RMB
Dumplings...............................................15 RMB


Tea...............................................................5 RMB
Coffee.........................................................8 RMB
Chocolate...................................................8 RMB
Milk..............................................................6 RMB
Juice (Orange or Mango)...........................10RMB

  1. Normally I would elicit both the words and definitions but in a 30 minute lesson that would take too long.
  2. All Chinese food, international food, noodle bar, pizza restaurant et

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