Sunday, 14 May 2017

Lesson Plan : Seasonal Activities

Lesson Level:  Junior 1                      Duration:  40 Minutes

Lesson Title:     Seasonal Activities

Grammar and Vocabulary

 Words and activities relating  to the Seasons
.Grammar for Making plans
“we will”/ “we can”

Lesson Objectives

 Students will be able to create a plan for a day out in one of the seasons using activity phrases learned during the lesson and using “will” and “can” for future and future possibilities.

Materials Required

Enough copies of dialogue to give one per group plus extras for students reading and teacher.


Prepare dialogue copies.


Write “Seasonal Activities” on board
Elicit and write the season names.
Ask several students what their favourite season is and what they do in that season.

Hand out the copies of the dialogue.1
Choose a strong student to read the dialogue with you.
After the dialogue ask the students these questions.
Which season is Victor’s favourite? (He doesn’t have one)
What does he like to do in winter/summer/spring/autumn?
(walk in country/ swimming in the lake/ fly a kite/ don’t know)
What does Tracy like to do in Winter?
(walk in country/ picnic / help on Uncle’s farm/ make a snowman and snowballs and go skating or sledging)

Put class into 8 groups.
Divide board into eight columns.
Write column headings
(Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, )
Allocate a season to each group.
Give two minutes for groups to make a list of things they can do in that season.
Give two minutes to write on board.
Check and correct answers. (2 points for a good answer correctly spelled, one point for a good answer incorrectly spelled, no points if it is a wrong answer or not something you can do in the group’s allocated season.

4Divide class into smaller groups. (Four students only)
Allocate each group a season.
Put these instructions on the board.

Plan a day out in your season.
Who will you spend the day with?
Where will you go?
What time will you go?
What will you do in the morning?
What will you do in the afternoon?
What will you do in the evening?
What will you do if the weather is bad.
“we will”
“if the weather is bad we can”

Monitor and ensure groups completing the task.

Choose some groups to feedback to the class about their plans.


Tracy What's your favourite season?
Victor I don't think I have one. I like them all.
Tracy Why?
Victor Because there are so many different things to do in each one.
Tracy What do you do in spring?
Victor I like to go for long walks in the country.
Tracy Yes, me too. The trees and flowers are so beautiful in spring. What do you do in
Victor I like to go swimming in the lake. What about you?
Tracy We always like to go out and have a picnic, with lots of great things to eat and drink.
Fruit, cakes, ice-cream, orange juice.
Victor In autumn, I like to fly kites. Do you?
Tracy Yes, and I visit my uncle's farm to help with the harvest. I help to get the fruit and
vegetables in from the fields.
Victor And in winter?
Tracy I  make snowballs and a snowman and I drink lots of hot drinks. If it's cold enough I go
skating or sledging on the lake.
Victor Yes, but what is your favourite?
Tracy I like all of them too.

Tracy What's your favourite season?
Victor I don't think I have one. I like them all.
Tracy Why?
Victor Because there are so many different things to do in each one.
Tracy What do you do in spring?
Victor I like to go for long walks in the country.
Tracy Yes, me too. The trees and flowers are so beautiful in spring. What do you do in
Victor I like to go swimming in the lake. What about you?
Tracy We always like to go out and have a picnic, with lots of great things to eat and drink.
Fruit, cakes, ice-cream, orange juice.
Victor In autumn, I like to fly kites. Do you?
Tracy Yes, and I visit my uncle's farm to help with the harvest. I help to get the fruit and
vegetables in from the fields.
Victor And in winter?
Tracy I  make snowballs and a snowman and I drink lots of hot drinks. If it's cold enough I go
skating or sledging on the lake.
Victor Yes, but what is your favourite?
Tracy I like all of them too.

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