Sunday, 9 March 2014

Lesson Plan:Living With Disabilities

Lesson Level: Senior 2         Duration: 40 minutes

Lesson Title:  Dealing With Disability

Grammar and Vocabulary

Vocabulary from New Senior English For China Student's Book 71
Lesson Objectives

To develop vocabulary for appropriate discussion of disabilities.
To develop discussion skills.
To raise awareness of disability issues.

Materials Required

Audio recordings of Evelyn Glennie:Rhythm Song and Dsef Leppard: Rock of Ages
Attached text and question sheet2


Prepare and check the recordings.
Check that classroom has facilities to play them.
Prepare enough copies of the text and questions to give one per group.


1 (1 Minute/1 Minute)
Put class into groups. (Four is ideal)

2 (3/4)
Dealing with Disability on board
Elicit meaning of disability from class members.
Elicit and list on board types of disability.

Deafness, Blindness, Mobility, Learning Disabilities, Paralysis, Mental illness

3 (6/10)
Explain to class that you will now play pieces of music by two musicians with disabilities. Ask them to listen carefully and see if the can decide what kind of disabilities the musicians might have. For the Def Leppard piece explain that they are listening to Rick Allen – the drummer.
Play the two pieces of music – Evelyn Glennie (profoundly deaf) and Rick Allen (0nly one arm)
Elicit ideas about the two musicians disabilities. (Play about a minute of each piece)

Explain correct answers.

4 (5/15)
Hand out texts/ question sheets.
Read the two texts to the class. Groups follow on written text.
Give groups time to read and answer the questions.
Elicit and check the answers.

5. (5/20)
For the disabilities listed on the board elicit ideas from class about how they might affect someone's life and how the problems might be overcome.

6 (10/30)
Ask groups to choose ONE of the listed disabilities and discuss how they could design something that would make life easier for someone with that problem.
Groups must think of an idea or a device to help.
Monitor and assist groups with their ideas.3

7 (10/40)
Feedback from all groups. Groups to take turns to stand and present their ideas.


If this book is unavailable to the class, alternative vocabulary lists may be substituted – see bolded words in text.

Evelyn Glennie is a Scottish musician. She was born in 1968 and when she was eight years old she started to lose her hearing. Since the age of twelve she has been completely deaf. In spite of this disability she has become one of the greatest percussionists in the world. Her ambition and skill have made her into one of the worlds leading musicians. She plays more than 100 concerts every year and teaches in schools around the world. She says that her deafness does not affect her work. She has adapted by learning to feel the music with her body. She performs many different kinds of music including traditional Scottish, classical, jazz and rock.
She also collects musical instruments and has more than 1800 from all around the world.
All in all she is one of the greatest inspirations to disabled people all around the world.

Rick Allen's story is different. He was born in 1963 and when he was only fifteen years old he joined the heavy rock group Def Leppard as their drummer. The band were a great success but then tragedy struck. In 1984, aged 21, he had a car accident. He was very badly injured and lost his left arm in the crash. He recovered but everyone thought he would never be able to play the drums again. The singer with the band, Joe Elliot, encouraged him to try. Special drums were made for him which he could play with just one arm. When he recovered he returned to the band and has been their drummer ever since. They have had many hit albums.
Rick also founded a charity for people injured in accidents and sells many personal items to raise money for it.
He has been married twice and has two daughters.

Who is older Evelyn Glennie or Rick Allen?
When did Evelyn Glennie lose her hearing?
How many concerts does she play each year?
How can someone who cannot hear learn to play the drums?
How old was Rick when he first joined his band?
How did he lose his arm?
How can someone with only one arm play the drums?
How does Rick help others with disabilities?
What does Evelyn collect?
Who helped Rick after he was injured?

What do you think of their stories?
Who do you think overcame the greatest difficulties Rick or Evelyn?
Do you think these people are a good example to others with disabilities?

This task is very difficult.
Some groups may not be able to think of a good idea.
If that happens simple get more information from the group about what problems they think people might have.

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