Sunday, 2 March 2014

Lesson Plan:Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Lesson Level: Senior 2  Duration: 40

Lesson Title: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Grammar and Vocabulary

Tense structures for senior two students.

Lesson Objectives

Students will practice use of tense structures for the past, present and future.

Materials Required

A prepared dialogue with true false questions.1
Blank paper.


Copy enough copies of the dialogue to give one per group and keep one for the teacher.


Divide part of the board into three columns. Label them “talking about the past”, “talking about the present” and “talking about the future”.

In them write some examples of simple past and past continuous (e.g. I visited, I was visiting): simple present and present continuous (I visit, I am visiting): future using will, present tenses and “going to: ( I will visit, I visit, I am visiting, I am going to visit)2


Explain the following points.

i apart from “be” and “have” we rarely use the simple present (I visit) for things happening right now, only for things that are generally or usually true.
ii for the present it's much more common to use present continuous (I am visiting)
iii both simple present and present continuos can be used to talk about the future (Tomorrow I visit my grandmother. Tomorrow I am visiting my grandmother.)

Put the class into groups. Ideally groups of four. The number of groups does not matter for this exercise as long as you have enough copies of the dialogue.

Give each group a copy of the dialogue.

Choose two stronger students to stand up and read it out.

Put the questions on the board.
Give students two minutes to find the answers.
Ask the questions around the class.
Elicit the correct answers to the true or false questions.

Elicit from class places you can visit in town. Write list on board.
If not getting enough answers use places from this list.
Bank, Supermarket, Park, Bakery, Hairdresser, Ice-Cream Parlour
Pet Shop, Restaurant, Gym, Library

Elicit things you can do in town at each place and write on board.
Walk the dog, Go for a run, Read a book, Call my friend, Sleep,
Listen To Music, Buy some bread, Eat an ice-cream etc

Write these two questions
What did you do yesterday?
What will you do tomorrow?

Students construct mini dialogues in their groups with the question forms and the information on the board.
Give two examples.

What did you do yesterday?
Yesterday I bought some bread at the supermarket.

What will you do tomorrow?
Tomorrow I will walk my dog in the park?

Feedback some of the questions and answers.

Clear the board.

Write on the board.

When I was young I...
When I was ten I...
Last year I...
Last month I...
Last week I...
Yesterday I...
Right now I...
Tomorrow I...
Next week I...
Next month I...
Next year I...
When I am thirty I...
When I am old I...

Tell students they must each write sentences for all of these.

Students write sentences.

Ask some questions around the class of the form
What did you do when...
What are you doing now...
What will you do when...

Students question others in their group.

You question students.

What did he/she do when
What is he/she doing now
What will he/she do when...


1 Sample dialogue

Alan: Hi Paul, how are things with you?

Paul: Not bad, thanks. And you?

Alan: Great! I'm all fired-up. 
Paul: Good to see you so happy. What are you fired-up about?

Alan: I start my new job today, working in a computer department.

Paul: Where is it?

Alan: At an insurance company in the High Street.

Paul: So why aren't you on your way to work?

Alan: They said that today I will start at ten O'clock so I'm going for a walk first. Then I'll have some breakfast at the cafe and go home and change into my suit. What are you up to?

Paul: I have a day off today. I'm just going to my brother's house. He has a day off too. We're going fishing.

Alan: Do you want to have dinner tonight?

Paul: Sure, we can go to the new Indian restaurant.

Alan: What time?

Paul: About seven? I'll bring Sally and you can bring Mary. We can make a night of it.

Alan: Great idea.

Paul: What are you doing at the weekend?

Alan: I am going to watch the football match, of course.

Paul: Me too. Do you want to meet before the game?

Alan: Yes. We can go for a drink first.

Paul: Who do you think will win?

Alan: We will!

Paul: I'm not so sure. The other side are pretty good. They won their last five games.

Alan: Have confidence!

Paul: Well, here's my bus now. It's been nice chatting.

Alan: We'll see you at seven at the restaurant.

Paul: See you then!


  1. Alan is feeling very happy today. True / False
  2. Paul is going to see his father. True / False
  3. Paul's new boss told him to start at ten. True / False
  4. Alan wears casual clothes at work. True / False
  5. Paul's wife is Mary. True / False
  6. They will watch a basketball game at the weekend. True / False
  7. Paul is more confident about the game than Alan. True / False
  8. They will eat Chinese food tonight. True / False
  9. They are going to meet at seven. True / False
  10. Paul goes to work by train. True / False

2. Technically there are only two tenses in English – present and past, continuous and perfect forms are aspects of those tenses, “will” for the future is a modal form, and there are also mood and voice to take into consideration. Of course you know all of that – the students may know it 
 but for this lesson the don't need to... so best not to get into it.

(Lesson Concept: Carole Daley, Adapted by Bob Hale)

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