Sunday, 2 March 2014

Lesson Plan: Millionaire Quiz

Lesson Level: Senior 1   Duration: 40 Minutes

Lesson Title: Millionaire Quiz

Grammar and Vocabulary

Questions and Question Word Revision
Lesson Objectives

To revise all question words and question forms and their correct usages.

Materials Required

Enough blank A5 pages to give one to each group.




1 (2 mins))
Put class into groups. Ideally about 10 - 12 groups of four. Size of groups should be increased rather than number of groups for larger classes. 
2 (1)
Write the question words on the left of the board.
For this exercise the question words can be
Who, What,Where,When,Why,Which
How many, How much, How far, How long... etc
These need not be explained or discussed. Classes at this level should already be familiar with them.

3 (2)
Explain Part 1

Each group must write ten questions using any of these words.
For each question the group must write four answers.
One answer must be correct
Three answers must be wrong

Like this.
Which country does the Panda come from?
A England B Australia C China D France

The right answer can be A,B,C or D.

You have 5 minutes.

4 (7)
Hand out papers. Monitor and assist as groups write their questions.

5. (2)
Tell each group to choose a quizmaster. Get quizmasters to front with papers.

6 (5)
Explain Part 2 
A quizmaster will come to your group.
He or she will ask you his ten questions and each time read four answers
Your group must choose the right answer.
The quizmaster will mark it right or wrong.
For every right answer you get one million yuan.
If you do not know an answer you can ask the teacher
You can do this just once.

You have ten minutes.

7 (10)
Allocate quizmasters to different groups and do quiz.
Give lifeline answers when asked (one allowed per group) – if you know them.

8. (2)
Ask quizmasters how much each group won and write on board.
Return quizmasters to own groups.

Put up these questions on board.

What will you do with the money you have won?
What will you buy?
Will you buy gifts for anyone? Who? What?
Will you give money to charity? How much? Which? Why?

You have five minutes to decide.

9 (5)
Groups discuss the questions.

10 (3)
Ask groups for some of their answers.
Get feedback from as many groups as possible in time remaining.


For weaker classes fewer questions can be used or the question words restricted.

If groups disagree with answers you can arbitrate. If you don't know the question is void and the group win half the money.

(Lesson Concept:  Carole Daley, Adapted by Bob Hale)

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