Thursday, 27 June 2013

Lesson Plan: Animal Bodies

Lesson Level: Junior 1 and 2 (Grades 7 and 8) Duration: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title: Animal Bodies

Grammar and Vocabulary

To develop vocabulary of animal body parts.
No new grammar this lesson.

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to identify animal body parts and suggest animals that have them.

Materials Required

List of animals (for teacher only) that have the specific body parts in list.1


Prepare the list of animals and body parts.



Divide class into groups of 6-8 students.


Groups must make a list of animal body parts that people do not have.

Give example of “fish”.
Draw a basic fish on the board.
Label “fins”, “gills”, “tail”, “fins”, “scales”
Explain what these words mean and that they are all things that fish have that people don't.

Body parts include
antlers, claws, fangs, fins, fur, gills, hooves, horns, paws, scales, shells, spots, stripes, tentacles, tusks, wings, trunk, tusks2


Ask each group to declare a number of parts they have.


Divide board into sections one for each group. Write declared number at top.
Ask each group in turn to name one part
If it is correct add it to their column and then ask other groups to raise a hand if they have it. Add to all appropriate columns.
Move on to next group.
When all groups done check tally – any group that has more than declared gets 0
Any group that has less gets to name remaining parts they have.
Add parts to all groups that claim them.
If groups name something that people have (eg. legs, teeth) disallow the word and reduce their declared total by one.

Add new parts if missed and go through meanings.


Ball toss – student chooses a part and names an animal that has it.
Tick off on board.
Students cannot choose a ticked off part.
When all parts done remove ticks and go again if time3.


tell students to remember the body parts as some will be in next week’s lesson.



List is not needed for the lesson but is helpful for the teacher so that animals can quickly and readily be named if students want to know what a particular body part is.

Suggested list.

antlers - deer
claws - tiger
fangs - snake
fins - fish
fur - rabbit
gills - fish
hooves - horse
horns - goat
paws - cat
scales fish/snake
shells- tortoise
tentacles - octopus
tusks - elephant
trunk - elephant
wings – bird


Other parts may be suggested – classes can be very creative.
Often things like “long neck” or “big ears” will come up. You can choose to accept them or not. Usually I accept them if they give me an appropriate animal.


This lesson should be followed by the "Alien Zoo" lesson.

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