Saturday, 1 June 2013

Lesson Plan: Daily Routine

Lesson Level: Junior 1 and 2 (Grades 7 and 8) Duration: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title: Daily Routine

Grammar and Vocabulary

Present Tense for regular activities.
Use of time expressions

Lesson Objectives

To enable students to discuss the details of their daily lives.
To listen and identify specific information from a recording.
To develop use of time expressions.

Materials Required

A 24-hour timeline to put on the board.1
Cards showing various activities that you do throughout the day.2
An audio recording of someone talking about their daily routine.3
A poster listing various activities from the recording.4
A picture to illustrate the life of the person in the recording.5


Put timeline chart along top of board
Shuffle activities and put along bottom of board



Introduce lesson.
Explain that it is all about what we do every day.


Ask class which activity you do first. (Get up)
When they guess the right one take it from board and ask when they think you do it
Elicit multiple answers before putting on board and drawing line to correct timeline position.
Model sentences in present tense of form “I ________ at {time}”
Ask students the questions about what time they do the same activity.
Repeat for all other activities until timeline is completed. (10 minutes)


Ask random questions around class “What time do you?”
Full sentence answers required. (5 Minutes)


Show picture of Person from the recording.
Elicit what he/she does using the picture (2 Minutes)


Put list of her activities on board.
Check vocabulary
Ensure all students understand all items in the list. (3 Minutes)


Play first part of recording.
Students must listen and write down times for first half of the answers.
Elicit answers from students.
If right write on board by list.
If wrong try ask more students, if still wrong tell them you will play again.
(5 Minutes)
Play the rest of the recording and repeat.
(5 Minutes)
Replay the whole recording, pausing to check the answers.
(5 Minutes)


Put students in pairs.
Students question each other re their daily routine.
Feedback by asking students about their partner
(Ball toss to select students)
(10 Minutes)


  1. This needs to be just a line divided into 24 sections with the hours marked on it. It can be done vertically but I find it works better as a horizontal timeline along the top of the board.
  1. You need about a dozen – things like “get up”, “brush my teeth”, “eat my lunch” etc.

  2. I use the audio from Unit 7 of Hotline Starter. This book is probably no longer available but most text books will have a unit along these lines. If not then you can interview one of your friends about their daily life. The audio needs to mention what time they do various things. It should be 3 or 4 minutes long.

  3. This can be prepared before the lesson as a poster or written on the board during the lesson. I use a poster to save time. 
  4. Any picture that illustrates the main activity of the person on the tape will do. It is best if the person has an unusual job or hobby – the girl in the audio I use is an ice-skater.

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