Monday, 3 August 2015

Lesson Plan: Game Show Win

Lesson Level:    All                   Duration:  40 Minutes

Lesson Title:     A Game Show Win

Grammar and Vocabulary

Revision of grammar and vocabulary from previous lessons. .

Lesson Objectives

Students will answer questions to win “cash” and then discuss as groups how they will spend their cash.
Students will understand what “charity” means and be able to decide which kind of charity they would like to support.

Materials Required

A prepared Quiz Grid – see notes


Write Game Show on board


Put Class into groups (No more than 12 Groups
Draw a five by five grid on the board
Label the columns with the category names and the rows a s “Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard”
Write nothing in the grid.

Write extra instructions.
Choose a topic and a level.
Harder Questions are worth more money than easier questions”

Play the game,

In turn, each group chooses a square on the board.
Ask the group the question.
If they answer correctly write the group number in the square and the amount of money won.
If they answer incorrectly write nothing in the square.

Go round the groups twice.

Check results and see which groups have won most money.

If any groups have one no money allocate them 100.

Tell groups the money they have won in Yuan. (Note Grid can be in Yuan, Pounds or Dollars – the sample grid in the notes is in pounds.)

Clear the grid but leave the group numbers and cash values.

Write on board.

Each group
            Look at the money you have won.
            Discuss how you will spend it.
            Will you buy things for yourself?
            Will you buy things for other people?
            Will you give any money to charity? Which charity?

You have five minutes.

Get feedback from the groups.

Tell groups that they have won one million yuan.
Tell groups to repeat the discussion.

Add the question.

Does winning so much change the way you want to spend your money?

Feedback from groups.


When preparing the grid you should choose categories and questions according to the classes you teach. In the sample grid below the column headed “Bob” is about me and all the answers were given in a previous session.  Other questions also cover things that were mentioned in earlier lesson or topics that the students have already shown an interest in.
Be careful to pitch the different level questions at a level that some students should be able to answer.

Write a copy of the grid in your lesson plan. Your copy should include in each section the question, the answer and a cash value for a correct answer.
Very Easy questions have cash values in range 90-150
Easy questions have cash values in range 240-200
Medium questions have cash values in range 500-600
Hard questions have cash values in range 900-1200
Very Hard questions have cash values in range 1900 – 2500

Sample Grid

Capital Cities
Very Easy
What sport is also called Ping Pong?
Table  tennis
Win 100
What is Bob’s favourite animal? Monkey
Win 125
What animal has a trunk and tusks? Elephant
Win 115
Name two fruits than can be yellow.

Win 120
Which city is the capital of China? Beijing

Win 90
What sport was Yao Ming famous for?

Win 250
What is Bob’s favourite book? AiW

Win 280
Name two animals that are black and white.

Win 235
What vegetable do we use to make chips?
Win 260
Which City is the Capital of the USA?

Win 240
Who won the World cup this year?

Win 550
What is Bob’s home city?


Win 500
Name three animals that have no legs.

Win 525
What is the favourite food in England?*
Noodles and Vegetables
Win 510
What is the Capital City of Canada?

Win 530
How many Gold Medals did China win in the BEIJING Olypics in 2008? 51
Win 1110
When is Bob’s Birthday?

9th April

Win 950
What kind of animal is a Black Widow?


Win 1000
China grows most of the tea in the World. Which country is second?
Win 1050

What is the Capital City of Australia?

Win 1175
Vary Hard
Which Team won the 2014 Superbowl in the USA?
Seattle Seahawks

Win 2250
What is the name of Bob’s only brother?


Win 2100
What is the most dangerous animal in the world? (Kills most people?)
Win 2200
In which country would you eat a “Haggis”?


Win 2000
What is the capital city of North Korea?


Win 1900

Notes  * According to a British Newspaper survey in 2013. This was covered last lesson.

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