Friday, 24 May 2013

Lesson Plan: Describing Faces

Lesson Level: Junior 1 and 2 (Grades 7 and 8) Duration: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title: Faces

Grammar and Vocabulary

Descriptive words for facial features

Lesson Objectives

To practice describing faces

Materials Required

The lesson requires a lot of materials1 but all are easy to prepare from white and coloured card.

You need three faces (round shape, oval shape rounded-corner square shape), assorted hair styles (long short, curly, straight spikey) in various colours (blond, black, brown, red) , assorted eyes, noses, mouths and ears. All need to be in proportion and the faces need to be approximately A4 size.
Blutac or other method of fixing to board.
Cards describing faces
e.g Oval face, big eyes, turned up nose, long ears, small mouth, short straight black hair.


Prepare materials. Sort face parts into separate bags)
(See Pictures in Notes)



Elicit from class2 words that can be used to describe
face shapes (round, square, oval etc)
eyes (big, small, wide, narrow, round, blue, green, brown, bloodshot, glasses etc)
ears (big, small, long, sticking-out, earrings etc)
mouths (big, small, wide, narrow, round etc)
noses (big, small, wide, narrow, long, turned-up etc)
hair (long, short,curly, staright, spiky, blonde, red, black, brown etc)

Make lists on board.
Leave a large space in the centre of the board.
(15 Minutes)


Construct a large face in the centre of the board by asking one student for a face shape and then drawing it, another for type of hair etc. Make it as funny looking as you can.
(4 Minutes)


Ask class to repeat the words (wide eyes etc)
(4 Minutes)


Clear desks at the front row.
Put noses on one desk, ears on another etc
Stick the three face shapes to the board.
(2 Minutes)


Ask for three volunteers (for this lesson there will usually be plenty)
Choose three students and give each a card describing a face and blutac to stick it together.
They must race to construct their faces.
(5 Minutes)

Give first to finish 3 points, second 2 points, third 1 point.
For each face go through the card. Ask questions
What kind of hair is this?” etc
or, for weaker classes, tell class what it says on the card and ask if it is right.
For each correct feature on each face give 1 point.
Add up points and applaud the winner.

Repeat the activity for three more students.
(10 Minutes)
(There may be time for a third round)


  1. The art for the faces should be basic and cartoon-style. Samples of the art I used are attached below.

  1. For weaker classes put up more examples and elicit fewer words. For very weak classes put up all the words (one at a time) and simplky check meanings.

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