Sunday, 19 May 2013

Lesson Plan: Shopping and Clothes

Lesson Level: Junior 1 and 2 (grade 7 and 8) Duration: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title: Shopping and Clothes

Grammar and Vocabulary

Clothes vocabulary.
Shopping interactions.

Lesson Objectives

To develop a wider vocabulary of clothing items.
To develop language for interactions in shops.
To develop language for politely complaining.

Materials Required






Divide the class into groups of about eight. There should be no more than ten groups. If necessary use larger groups.)


Draw a human figure outline in the centre of the board. Draw a belt on the figure.
Divide the rest of the board into the same number of columns as you have groups.
(2 Minutes)


Tell the class that even numbered groups should make a list of things worn above the belt and odd numbered groups should make a list of things worn below the belt. (Check understanding and give two examples of each if necessary.)
Give groups two minutes.
(5 Minutes)


One writer from each group comes to board and writes the list. Give up to two minutes.
(3 Minutes)


Check lists.
If item is NOT clothing or is worn in the wrong place (e.g if an odd numbered group says “hat”) the zero points.
If it is correct and spelled correctly give two points.
If it is correct but not spelled correctly give 1 point and correct the spelling.
(5 Minutes)


Clear the board.
Draw two faces at opposite ends of the board facing each other.
Under one write “shopkeeper”, under the other write “customer”
Draw a speech balloon at the top of the board for the shopkeeper and write “Good morning. How can I help you?”
Draw a speech balloon for the customer and write “I bought _______ here but there is a problem.”
Elicit further exchanges to complete the dialogue. (There should be four to six exchanges.
(5 Minutes)


Choose two students to come to the front and act out the role play from the board.
Repeat with two more students.
(5 Minutes)


Put the class into pairs and tell each p[air that one student is a shopkeeper and the other a customer.
Clear the board.
Elicit other possible problems (torn, dirty, don't fit, don't like, wrong colour etc)
Students role play a customer complaining and a shopkeeper.
Reverse roles and repeat.
(10 Minutes)


Choose one pair to come to front and act out their dialogue.
Repeat with other pairs to end of lesson.
(10 Minutes)



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