Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Lesson Plan: Personal Information

Lesson Level: Junior 1 and 2  (Grade 7 and 8)   Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Lesson Title Personal Information


Asking and answering personal questions

Lesson Objectives 

Developing personal interaction.
Personal dialogues.

Asking for and giving personal information. 


One very large (six inches per side) cardboard dice. Enough ordinary dice to give one per group.

Small blank pieces of notepaper – enough for one per group.

Large poster with prepared dialogue in two colours. 

Hello. My name’s __________, what’s yours.
I’m called __________. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too..
What do you do?
I’m a __________. How about you?
I’m a __________.
How old are you?
I’m __________. And you?
I’m __________. What’s your favourite colour.
I like __________. Do you like it too?
My favourite colour is __________.
Nice to talk to you. Goodbye. 

Prepare the materials.
Make a single dice from cardboard. It should be large enough that you can throw it and the whole class see clearly what you are doing.



Draw two faces at opposite sides of the board facing each other..
Tell students these two people have just met.
Ask what they can say.
Elicit a dialogue, drawing speech balloons. (Use two colours if possible)
There should be about six exchanges.
Get two students two stand up and read the dialogue
Repeat with two more students. 


Clear the board.
Set the class in groups of four to six. (You need to have enough small dice to give one to each group.)
On the board write.

  Boy’s     Girls’     Jobs     Favourite       Age
  Names    Names             Colour


Elicit six boys’ names from class and fill in column one.
Elicit six girls’ names from class and fill in column two.
Elicit six jobs from class and fill in column three.
Fill in column four yourself with six colours and column five with six ages (between 19 and 60). 


Use the big dice to demonstrate how to create two characters – a man and a woman.
i.e. roll the dice for man’s name/job/colour age and
for woman’s name/job/colour/age
Write the characters on board.


Give each group a dice and a piece of paper.
Groups should generate own male and female characters.
Monitor to ensure all groups understand the task.


When groups have completed their character sheets put the main dialogue poster on the board.
Choose two groups.
One student from each group comes to board and the students read the dialogue filling in the blanks from their character sheet. (With the appropriate gender for the student.)
Repeat until all groups have been to the front.


Clear part of board (leaving the poster) and write.
        Each group
           Write two more questions you can ask someone you have just
Explain what is required. 
Give examples of the type of questions you can and can’t ask.

While students are doing this collect dice back from class.


Get feedback and write “good” questions on the board. 


Tell students to work in pairs.
Role play two people meeting at a party using the Q&A from the board. 


1. This dialogue may look too simple but do not be tempted to make it harder. The questions are simple so that in the following task the students can create their own questions at their own level.

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