Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Lesson Plan: Seasons

Lesson Level: Junior 1 and 2  (Grade 7 and 8)   Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Lesson Title Seasons 


Vocabulary of seasons and seasonal items

Lesson Objectives

Developing vocabulary
Developing structured sentences and narratives.


Four pictures large enough for class to see on board – one for each season.1
Sponge ball.
Playing cards, enough to give one to each group, evenly divided between suits.


Find suitable pictures on the internet and print them or draw four large pictures as required.


Put four seasons pictures on the board and elicit vocabulary from class. Elicit Spring, Summer, Autumn (or Fall) and Winter. Also try to get words like sunny, snow, snowman, trees and so on. Write the list at one side of the board, leave plenty of space for the game. (5 Minutes)

Write on the board the four suit symbols and allocate one to each season.
Divide the class into groups. There should be six to eight students in each group.
Give each group a playing card. This will. Be the season for that group. (2 Minutes)


Tell groups they have two minutes to think of as many words to do with that season as they can. They should write them down. (3 Minutes)


While they do that divide the rest of the board into columns – enough to have one column for each team with the same season.
Get one student from each team with “Winter” to come to the board – they have one minute to write as many words on the board as they can.
Score it as follows 2 points for any correctly spelled word that relates to the season, one point for an incorrectly spelled word that relates to the season, no points if the word doesn't relate to the season.


Repeat for the other three seasons. (20 Minutes)

Throw the ball to a student. Ask what is his/her favourite season and why. Student throws the ball to another student. Repeat question/answer/throw cycle for about two minutes. (2 Minutes)


Tell each group they must now write a story about their season. They must use some of the words that from their lists. (5 Minutes))


For each group ask a student to stand and read their story. (8 Minutes)


Depending on time the ball toss activity can be dropped.

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