Friday, 17 May 2013

Lesson Plan: Family Relationships

Lesson Level: Can be adapted for all levels Duration: 45 Mintues

Lesson Title: Family Relationships

Grammar and Vocabulary

Vocabulary of family relationships.
Use of possessives in sentences like “John is Mike's brother.”

Lesson Objectives

To develop family relationship vocabulary.

Materials Required

Two sponge balls of different colours.
Two family tree posters.

Poster 1

Very simple family tree.

Poster 2

More complex family tree

Prepare the family tree posters.
You can use simpler or more complex diagrams depending on the class level.



Put students into groups of six to eight.
There should be no more than ten groups.


Give a few names and ask if they are boys’ or girls’ names1
Divide board into columns – half the number of groups..
Get one student from each of first half of groups to board.
Tell students they have one minute to write as many Boys’ names1 as they can.
Groups can shout out suggestions to their teammate. (2 Minutes)


After one minute students sit down.
Score two marks for a correct and correctly spelled word.
Score one mark for a correct but incorrectly spelled word.
Score no marks for an incorrect word.
Add up scores and have round of applause for winning group. (3 Minutes)


Repeat 2 and 3 for remaining groups using Girls’ names1. (5 Minutes)


Repeat game using two best groups from each of previous rounds (i.e. four groups in total)
Subject is now “Family Members” (e.g. Father/ brother/ uncle etc). (5 Minutes)


Give consolidated list of family members2
Include “-in-law” words or “step-” words for strongest groups only3
Check understanding with directed questions..(10 Minutes)


Put poster 1 on board. Ask questions to check understanding of family relationships.
Indicate Arthur and Eric
Student must say “Arthur is Eric’s father. Eric is Arthur’s son”. (5 Minutes)


Put poster 2 on board. Go through some examples of the relationships. (% Minutes)


Play double ball toss game.
Student with first colour must choose two names from tree. Student with second colour must give the relationship between them. (10Minutes)


  1. It is quite common for Chinese students to have unusual names. eg.. January, Wonderful, Spirit etc. You can allow or disallow these in the games as you wish.
  2. Chinese has distinct words for things like maternal/paternal uncle or older/younger sister. You can allow the English phrases in the writing game but only use the standard form in the consolidated list. This will simplify it and bring it into line with actual English usage.
  3. You can include or omit the gender-neutral words such as child/parent as you wish but ONLY mention “sibling” if it comes up from the class.
  4. -in-law words and step- words sometimes come up in class. If they come up use them.. You may need them for the family tree activities. You can choose whether or not to include them in your consolidated list according to the level of the class.

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