Saturday, 18 May 2013

Lesson Plan: Food and Menus

Lesson Level: All Levels  Duration: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title: Foreign Food

Grammar and Vocabulary

Making requests.
Reading and understanding menus.

Lesson Objectives

To develop food vocabulary.
To develop interaction skills – ordering food in a restaurant.
To develop discussion skills – deciding on which restaurant to go to.

Materials Required

Magnets or other means of attaching pictures to board.
Sponge ball.
Six pictures of fast food as follows.
Rice and vegetables. Curry and naan bread. Pizza. Chocolate. Full English breakfast. Hotdog and hamburger.2
Two pieces of paper per group.
Poster showing sample menu. (Including price and opening times)


Prepare all materials.



Explain “fast food”, “takeaway”, “junk food”, “fish and chips”, “burger”, “fries”, “cuisine” (2 Minutes)


Put one of the fast food pictures on the board. Elicit what it is and what country it comes from.
Repeat for other pictures. (5 Minutes)


Use ball toss to elicit favourite foods from class. (3 Minutes)


Tell groups that they have one minute to think of different kinds of fast food.
One writer from each group to come to board at the end of the time.
Writers have two minutes to write as many fast foods on the board as they can.
Score two points for a fast food that is correctly spelled.
Score one point for a fast food that is incorrectly spelled. (10 Minutes)


Put menu poster on board.
Go through the items and the layout.
Ask questions to ensure understanding. (5 Minutes)


Tell groups to produce own menu.
It must include , six items of food, prices, opening times
They have either five or ten minutes depending on class level. (5 Minutes)


When menus are created choose one “customer” from each group and move to another group.
Customer must find out choose a meal and find out the cost.
Move customer to another restaurant and repeat. (10 Minutes)


Return customer to own group with details of the two restaurants. Groups to decide which restaurant to visit.
Elicit feedback from the groups. (5 Minutes)


  1. This lesson can run too long if there are any delays. 7 and 8 can be simplified by just moving the customer to one restaurant and then asking each customer in turn what they would buy from that restaurant.

  2. It is easy to draw these pictures. Photographs may be used if you prefer but I find that for this lesson simple drawings work better.

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