Sunday, 19 May 2013

Lesson Plan: Music

Lesson Level:All Levels Duration: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title: Music

Grammar and Vocabulary

Vocabulary for describing music
Expressing opinions

Lesson Objectives

To encourage discussion skills.
To develop descriptive vocabulary.

Materials Required

Sponge ball.
Prepared tape or other audio source1:-.
One longer piece of music, preferably instrumental (Approx 2 minutes) should be followed by eight to ten other shorter pieces (approx 30 seconds each). The pieces should be in various genres (classical/pop/rock/jazz etc) and at a variety of paces. Instrumental and vocal pieces should be included.


The classroom needs to have the facility to play the music chosen.



Tell the students that while the music is playing they must throw the ball quickly to another student. The student who has the ball when the music stops must run to the board and write the name of a musical instrument.

When the student sits down check that the spelling is correct and start the music again.

Play until the longer music piece has finished. (Note – you can rewind and continue if you wish.)

Check comprehension of all the musical instruments on the board.(5 Minutes)


Put class into groups of 6-8 students.


Elicit and write on the board the kind of words you can use to describe music

fast/medium paced/slow
vocal/instrumental etc2  

(5 Minutes)


Play the shorter pieces one at a time
After each piece finishes all students write down three words to describe the music
Groups discuss the words they have written and decide as a group on three words.
Words can be from the board or any others they think of.
Question some of the groups about the piece
Elicit the words they have used to describe it.
Ask other groups if they agree.  

Get groups to discuss the music and decide on a mark from 1-5
1=very bad 2=poor 3=OK 4=good 5=Great
Get scores and put on board, include name of genre.
Write the piece number, the total score from the class (and for stronger classes the name of the musical genre.)

(5 To 6 Minutes per piece)


At the end find the piece with the highest score and play it again.

6 Extension Activity

Extension activity.
If the lesson runs short toss the ball from student to student asking them what is their favourite music and why they like it.


  1. I find that the simplest way to present the music is on tape with the exact extracts to be used recorded in order with ten second gaps. This prevents any need to find the pieces during the lesson so that there is no wasted time. Other methods – MP3, computer files are also possible depending on facilities available.

  1. I have seen other teachers do this lesson and some like to separate the words into good/bad/neutral lists. I find that this is more confusing than helpful. Putting words into groups (e.g. fast, medium-paced, slow) can be helpful.

  1. As the vocabulary and descriptions are coming from the students themselves, this lesson is suitable for all levels. The teacher can guide the students into simpler or more complex use of language according to the class.

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